Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inhaling Goodbye

Sometimes reaching the end of an adventure lets you realize that it really is more of a beginning than an ending, even though you have to close a door.

If I am honest with myself, my heart really wasn’t in this adventure from about February on.  

I had such grand plans when I started just over a year ago on my 44th birthday... of turning my life and maybe even the world upside down with a quest to add more creativity to my daily life.

I loved the format, the idea and the theme... but as I wrestled with my own personal issues after my father died, Nick’s mother fell ill and some other upheavals which shall remain private, I felt as if I was failing at so many things, especially this blog.

I do know that trying to practice Creativity daily kept me sane.

I discovered that sometimes you do need to plan instead of just boldly leaping into something and ending up with a bit of a belly flop.

I know that I will come back to this idea someday, perhaps after I have played a bit more.

For now, however, it is time to take a very deep breath and say goodbye to this blog.

THANK YOU for all the fun along the way!


  1. Sorry to see this adventure end... but totally understand they need to consolidate and prune. Thanks for sharing the journey with us!

  2. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your creative journey with us.

  3. I've only just caught this, hence a late comment....

    I'm sorry to see the demise of your blog: not being artistic myself I still found it fascinating to watch your experiments, and you made me see the possibilities of creating something in my own life. I craft, I choreograph, I'm now trying to write and tell stories: you made me realise that being creative doesn't necessarily involve pencils and paints. Thank you, Jen, for opening my eyes, my mind and my imagination.


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